Title I
Welcome to McKinley Title I
On this page, please find all the information you need to understand McKinley Middle School and the Title I program.
- McKinley Middle School Parent Involvement Policy - Find out ways that McKinley keeps parents informed and involved with what’s going on. How are we building communication?
- McKinley Middle School Compact - This is an annual agreement entered into by students, parents/guardians, teachers and administrators. This agreement has items for each stakeholder to implement to insure a safe, positive learning environment.
- McKinley Middle School Annual Title I and Open House Presentation - Presented on September 29, 2020, during the Virtual Open House.
- District Family Engagement Support Agreement - How is Albuquerque Public Schools supporting family engagement through the Title I program?
- District Family Engagement Process and Procedural Directive
If you have any further questions regarding McKinley Middle School and the Title I Program, please contact Assistant Principal, Lisa Ludvik.